Friday, July 1, 2011

My Boyfriend Wrote a Book About Me by: Hilary Winston

I was literally walking through Barnes and Noble one day when the title of this book caught my eye. I picked it up, started reading, and a few hours later, I was done.

Hilary Winston is a writer for TV shows, including My Name is Earl, and currently she works on Community. Her book tells of various life stories, mainly in reaction to her finding a book written by her ex, that essentially is their life together, but it's a fiction book. Needless to say, she's not very happy about that fact.

She tells all in this book, sometimes a little more than you want to know. I don't normally read memoirs, but this one was a notable exception. Winston is very down to earth in her writing, no clever euphemisms or metaphors. She says exactly what she means to say. It was an interesting change from the fantasy or mystery books I normally read.

Occasionally her essays read a little on the melodramatic side, but, she manages to hold interest. And, most importantly, she's very real. You know, while reading everything, that she is a real person. Not some character created by an author. Her emotion about various events in her life (including a couple of very sad stories involving one of her cats) translates very well through her writing.

I can't say I've ever watched any of the episodes she's written, as I never really got into My Name is Earl or Community, but overall, I liked her book, and might consider reading another one of hers in the future.

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